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The DEO Clinic will feature the Earl Brackin Band in concert on Saturday February 26 at 7:00 pm. The concert will take place at the Church on the Hill, 1035 Abutment Road in Dalton, GA. Earl is a singer-songwriter who has made his home in northwest Georgia for over twenty five years. The last few years have been quite a whirlwind for Earl as a performer. He was invited to bring his band to Russia for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. There they entertained people from all over the world who gathered for the games. As a writer, his music has also gotten attention. The song “Big Leagues” was selected for the title track of Bluegrass Bands Helping Hands’ third cd which helped raise money for the construction of a baseball field for special needs children. Another favorite, “Grits on Her Lipstick” was included on Scenic City Sampler which features songs and artists from the Chattanooga area. Earl was also honored by the International Bluegrass Musicians Association when they selected him as one of ten songwriters to be featured on their Songwriters Showcase at the IBMA Convention in Nashville. Earl will be joined by his band featuring mandolinist David Taylor; Jarod Spier on bass; Tod Brock violin; and Tom Brown on banjo and harmonica. Concert sponsors include Jevin’s Ace Hardware and Modern Woodmen of America which has offered a $2500 match to all donations made in support of the concert.

Proceeds from the concert will benefit the DEO Clinic, a non-profit health care clinic addressing the needs of low income uninsured members of our community. In its 16th year, the DEO Clinic provided over 2600 office visits and labs. During 2020 – 21 clinic staff and volunteers administered 4000 free COVID tests and assisted with 6 vaccine events.

Tickets for the February 26 concert are available at the Dalton Freight Depot Gift Shop, online and at the door. Advance tickets are $15. Seating is limited and masks are strongly encouraged. Please visit deoclinic.org, email officedeoclinic@gmail.com, or call 706-581-2009 for more information. Those who cannot attend in person can watch the livestream and contribute at the DEO Facebook page:
The DEO Clinic is a 501(c)3 non-profit medical clinic that provides free healthcare to low income uninsured adults in Whitfield and Murray Counties. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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