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Team up to Clean up with the North Georgia Roller Girls Clean @ Heritage Point Park.

NGRG has teamed up with the “Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful” to keep their park litter free. We would like to take this opportunity to invite the community out to help. This will give you the chance to meet your local Roller Derby Team while making a difference in your community. We have committed to 4 clean ups per year. We will be giving our free water to all those who help out. Clean up supplies will also be available. We will have a NGRG booth set up with team information. Please let us know if you are coming so we can make sure we have enough water and supplies for this event. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen. We appreciate all your help rather it be a simple sharing of this event, liking our North Georgia Roller Girls page, or volunteering at the event.

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