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The Creative Arts Guild, located at 520 West Waugh Street in Dalton, will hold its annual Spring For The Arts on Saturday, April 29th from 11am to 2pm.
The event raises the funds needed to support all of our Arts in Education programs and, most especially, the partnership between the Creative Arts Guild and the O.N. Jonas Foundation. In 2023, the Guild commemorates 60 years of nurturing fine arts in our community. We had a wonderful time last year and are most excited to host an outdoor champagne brunch in our Robert T. Webb Sculpture Garden again on Saturday, April 29, which is International Sculpture Day. Spring for the Arts 2023 will include a three-course brunch, docent guided tours of the Robert T. Webb Sculpture Garden, and live music. We also continue our tradition of the Spring for the Arts raffle with gift and travel packages from local and regional businesses, as well as a cork pull. Tickets are $55.00. For tickets, visit www.creativeartsguild.org, the Guild’s Facebook page or call 706-278-0168.

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