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Warhammer 40K players, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!
Arcus Gaming will host a Warhammer Tournament (Unsanctioned) on June 12th, 2021 starting at 10am. BIG PRIZES. Tons of fun!!! Come hang out with your buds at Arcus!

Army Size
1,500 Points
(army does not have to be painted to play, but you will still receive the 10pts awarded for a painted army per game)

Table Size: 48”x48”
(table size is set due to space and table availability)

This is a FREE event but you Must Pre-Register because space is limited.
(tournament will be limited to 20 players, so, pre-registration is a must. Can not show up the day of and expect to play)

Awards will be given
1st place – $75 store credit
2nd place – $50 store credit
3rd place – $25 store credit
Best Painted – $25 store credit
Sportsmanship Award – $25 store credit

Army Format
Strike Force – 12CP

Tournament Format
Starts at 10am sharp. Be there early to get your army ready to start your game. Come prepared beforehand.
1st game 10am-12pm
Lunch 12pm-1:30pm
2nd game 1:30pm-3:30pm
3rd game 5pm-7pm
Awards Presented at 8pm

Each round gets two hours and two hours only. If game is at the bottom half of a battle round, then game can continue until that battle round is complete.
Winner of each game is determined by who has the most points at the end of the last battle round played.
All tables and terrain will be in place before the tournament starts.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be determined by who has the most points.
Best Painted and Sportsmanship will be decided by Arcus Staff.

YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS EVENT. So register as soon as possible.
To register please contact Arcus Gaming at 706-313-3702, or message us here on facebook.

As we are hopefully at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic we still ask that players be steadfast in helping slow the spread. We ask that you take the precautions that you have been taking and we are doing the same. We are limiting the amount of people who can play, as well as continuously cleaning table surfaces and general areas. We ask that you use your own dice at the time of the tournament or purchase one of our very cool dice sets in store. If possible, please wear a mask. If you are not feeling well, running a fever or have recently been diagnosed with Covid-19 please stay home and get better. We’re almost there. Let’s ALL do our part to defeat this thing.

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