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Join us for a cool and cozy fall event on our property/school grounds, where you may enjoy a hot cup of cider by our fire pit in our medicine wheel, create a couple of nature crafts, and spend time in the forest! Traipse down to our creek, play some games outdoors, AND participate in our workshops.

Workshop Offerings:
9:15-10:00 a.m. Ecopsychology:
Ecopsychology studies the relationship between human beings and the natural environment through both ecological and psychological principles. Ecopsychology seeks to develop and understand ways of expanding the emotional connection between individuals and the natural environment, thereby assisting individuals with developing sustainable lifestyles and remedying alienation from nature
10:15-11:00 a.m. Non-Violent Communication/Conflict Resolution:
With Nonviolent Communication (NVC) we learn to hear our own deeper needs and those of others. Through its emphasis on deep listening—to ourselves as well as others—NVC helps us discover the depth of our own compassion. This language reveals the awareness that all human beings are only trying to honor universal values and needs, every minute, every day.
11:15-12:00 p.m. The Emergent Curriculum/Progressive Education:
Progressive education is a response to traditional methods of teaching. It is defined as an educational movement that gives more value to experience than formal learning. It is based more on experiential learning that concentrates on the development of a child’s talents and interests.

This fall event is for both adults and children alike, and we happily invite all of our wider community if interested! Please share with others you think may enjoy this opportunity.
Admission is FREE.

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