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Kid’s are expensive and life is hectic! Rhea Lana’s is the answer for busy and savvy moms like YOU!
~ Mark your calendars for the Biggest and Best Children’s Shopping in Dalton
~ Our average consignor earns over $300 and a pass to SHOP EARLY! Visit our website for more details dalton.rhealana.com.
❤︎ Earn 70-80% of their sales
❤︎ Watch sales live
❤︎ Items are GUARANTEED against loss
❤︎ Easy tagging system
❤︎ Voice recognition item entry
❤︎ Check is ready on pick up day (August 5th)

Shop 30,000+ items all at once during our event! We have high quality items at UNBEATABLE prices (60-80% off retail prices)
Items will include:
❤︎ Clothes (newborn through teen sizes)
❤︎ Shoes
❤︎ Baby Equipment & Gear
❤︎ Furniture
❤︎ Toys, Books, CD’s, etc.
❤︎ Maternity
❤︎ Infant Bedding
❤︎ Children’s Decor
❤︎ And so much more!

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